Internet Service Provider Content Filtering

During the 2019 General Session, the Utah State Legislature passed Senate Bill 205 modifying legislation passed in 2018 and Utah Code §76-10-1231, a section of the Utah Criminal Code regarding an Internet service provider’s notice to consumers involving blocking or filtering material harmful to minors. Pursuant to Utah Code §76-10-1231, when a consumer subscribes to an Internet service provider’s service, the Internet service provider shall notify the consumer in a conspicuous manner that the consumer may request to have material harmful to minors blocked. If a consumer makes such a request, their Internet service provider shall filter content to prevent the transmission of material harmful to minors to the consumer. The changes to Section 1231 include a requirement that the Division request and publish certain information. Every other year, the Division must request information from each Internet service provider on how the Internet service provider is complying with Utah Code §76-10-1231. The Division then publishes a compilation of the information it receives on its website. This compilation is updated biennially.

Below is the current compilation of the information received by the Division. *This information does not constitute, and may not be represented by any person to constitute, an endorsement or approval of any product or service by either the Division of Consumer Protection or the State of Utah.